Autumn flying

Autumn has arrived and the afternoon weather has been perfect for a spot of flying.  We gave the West Wings Sapphire (in yellow) and West Wings Aries (in white and blue) for a quick spin.  My 11 year old son took some photos and video of the occasion...

Attaching the tailplane to the West Wings Sapphire
Ready to fly..

Attaching the bottom wing to the West Wings Aeries

..hmm, will it fly?

..shoved in some packing to reduce the lift!

 ..after a lot of trimming, we got a short flight. I didn't want to over-wind the rubber as it was starting to show signs of ageing.

So, fortunately we didn't destroy any of the aircraft today which is always a bonus to some successful flying.  Next time I'll equip the planes with some new rubber so I can crank up the winding to get some longer duration flights...

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